Connect with Confidence

The Minds Guiding for ExpoXperts

Mohamed M. Samy

management icon with a dynamic career spanning Egypt, UK, Syria, UAE, Iraq, and KSA. His experience with multinational giants like Shell, BG, and LafargeHolcim sets the foundation for the company’s innovative approach.
He served as 1st Undersecteray, Chairman and CEO for Egypt Expo & Convention Authority (EECA).

Khalid Ismail

unique combination between private and public sectors; he spent half of his career spanning finance and commercial within USA, Egypt and GCC; then after he was appointed as General Manager for International Events within Egypt Expo and Convention Authority.

Iman Mahmoud

international citizen with deeply routed local knowledge; her innate creative ability secured her excellence at just about any business she tried her hands at. She started her career in telecommunication, then worked with and lead teams that brought legacy events to limelight; then she became a diplomat in USA & Holland and recently created two distinctly different businesses before she decided to revitalize her passion for events and cooperate to introduce new successful shows.

Experts Achievements:

Under his leadership, the team members played a pivotal role in significant events such as the 50th Jubilee of Cairo International Fair and leading Egypt’s participation in global showcases like Anuga, Sial, Marmomac, and more. Their reach goes back to Cairo AgroFood, Cairo ITC, Big 5 Show Egypt; additionally, that extends to key regional events, including Erbil Building & Construction Show, Jordan Fashion & Textile Show, Basra Oil & Gas Conference & Exhibition.